The MadBall
The Make A Difference Ball raised over £45,000 in one truly MAD night!
Mama Mia!!! What a night last night was! My girlfriends organised and hosted a charity ball at The Hilton Ageas in aid of The Murray Parish Trust.
After hearing The Murray Parish Trust required a further £900,000 to make the children's trauma unit at Southampton General a reality, my friends and i got pen to paper and organise a ball in 4 and 1/2 months!! Yes as you hear it, nothing like a challenge!!!
So we begged, borrowed and collaborated with many local businesses and thanks to the incredible support of many gorgeous people we pulled off a crazy night held at the raising a mahooooosive £45,000!! Every penny will be government match funded which means we made a superb contribution as a community.
A huge thank you goes to my mad ball girlfriends, without you it would have not happened and of course all the generous souls who gave up their time, made donation and supported us. We love you and are grateful for your trust and love.